/ New Bellinzona regional Hospital

A hospital for the future

Bellinzona, Switzerland
176.500 sqm
Ospedale Regionale del Sopraceneri EOC, La Saleggina
HealthCivic and Cultural
New hospital hub
Antonio Citterio, Patricia Viel, with Sara Busnelli, and Francesco Buttà, Chiara Di Nocera, Endri Metaj, Alina Narbyekova, Mariagrazia Triuzzi
Studio Altieri S.p.a., De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects, Deerns Italia S.p.a., CSD Ingegneri SA, TEA Engineering Sagl, TRT S.r.l., Dott. Giulio Altieri

The competition entry for HOFF, Hospital for the Future, offers an architectural landscape that balances nature and human activities – a place where built and green areas overlap and establish new synergies and an ever-evolving relationship with the site. The new hospital hub and its park generate a sustainable ecosystem to support a complex of long-lasting, protected, and easily accessible carbon-zero buildings: a new epicenter of innovation on quality of life, activities and meeting spaces.

Paying homage to the shape of La main ouverte by Le Corbusier, the design evokes an open hand toward the bend of the river, which both protects and unites the edge of the settlement with the green park. As a new connection between the Ticino river park and the city, the project creates a natural landscape between the hospital buildings, maximizing the quality of views, natural light and ventilation.

The design establishes a dynamic dialogue between indoor spaces and the outdoors, nourishing social interaction with families and visitors who accompany people through the healing journey.
