/ Poste Italiane Rome

Advanced technologies for a seamless customer experience

Rome, Italy
850 sqm
Poste Italiane
Retail Concept

As the second iteration of ACPV’s retail concept for Poste Italiane, the new Rome location merges characteristic Italian design elements with the latest advances in customer support technology.

The idea of the post office occupies a key position in the collective imagination and the daily life of the people who use public and private services at Poste Italiane’s 13,000 locations across Italy.

The design takes advantage of digital mechanisms that facilitate the experience of the users of the physical space. At this ‘post office of the future’, a color palette based on marble used in old churches – white Carrara with accents of beige Botticino and grey Bardiglio – coexists in harmony with chips called near-field communication tags that open specific Web pages on a smartphone that is brought in their field.
