/ Qatar Airways Premium Passenger Lounges

Shaping travel
into an act of
cultural exchange

Doha, Qatar
50,000 sqm
New Doha International Airport Steering Committee
Airport check-in facilities and passenger lounges

The interiors of the lounges, designed for Qatar Airways’ Premium Passengers, provide a micro-city inside the megastructure of a terminal—a multi-functional and inclusive place of transit. The lounges are destinations in their own right, providing unforgettable sensory and cultural experiences.

Referring to the unique local culture as well as future travel tendencies, it creates a sense of belonging through a welcoming and comfortable design achieved with contemporary architectural solutions that inspire moments of tranquility and calm at one of the busiest air travel hubs of the region.
The interiors of the lounges are defined by solid materials—etched, decorated, and texturized with the intention of evoking the senses and subtly referencing the brand’s identity.
