We offer a dynamic and multidisciplinary workplace that encourages growth and collaboration

It’s all about team effort when we work on projects that address new challenges or explore different typologies of buildings and spaces.
Our work is permeated by the drive to give shape to new ideals of well-being that can be shared and enjoyed by all. From hotels, offices, museums, and public spaces to entire neighborhoods to revitalize, we connect all our diverse professional and cultural perspectives. With a team of more than 20 nationalities, our practice is proud to offer a workplace that values participation, effort and talent regardless of personal background.

If you are interested in joining ACPV ARCHITECTS,

view our current opportunities here

life at acpv

In the heart of Milan, a few minutes from the city’s renowned Piazza del Duomo, our headquarters is made of open office spaces and a collection of areas and facilities that enrich our day-to-day work. We have a material library with a wide range of materials, a model and 3D-printing laboratory, library and archive rooms, and a large kitchen area – perfect for a short break to enjoy some fresh fruits or the famous Italian espresso that packs a punch.
We are just next to Giardini della Guastalla, a large green park with walking paths and a pond – this is where you can easily spot ACPV members playing petanque on their lunch break. You would not have to go too far to get things done: we have several discount agreements with lunch places, hairdressers, gyms, and clothes stores. Our winter and summer parties are an important part of our culture, and so is our participation in the Open House program, our workshop Fridays with breakfast, and those after work drinks at Gesualdo – the bar right in front of our studio.

Learning and development opportunities

Our ACPVAcademy offers a diverse range of learning opportunities both in-person and online, with a selection of formal and informal programs and workshops.

more about acpv academy

open job positions

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


La figura supporterà lo sviluppo e la verifica della progettazione, attraverso la normativa edilizia locale, nazionale e in generale tutta la legislatura di settore.

Monitorerà il budget di progetto in relazione ai costi previsti, svilupperà soluzioni tecniche di dettaglio, mantenendo il contatto con i fornitori.

Il ruolo comprenderà una serie di attività tra cui:

Supportare lo sviluppo e la verifica della progettazione, attraverso la normativa edilizia locale, nazionale e in generale tutta la legislatura di settore;

Conoscere le principali caratteristiche dei materiali e tecniche costruttive edilizie;

Sviluppare soluzione tecniche di dettaglio in supporto ai progettisti;

Gestione attraverso piattaforme specialistiche (CDE) per le direzioni artistiche dei progetti;

Verificare le tecnologie costruttive e le specifiche architettoniche.


  • Esperienza pregressa di almeno 2-4 anni nel ruolo
  • laurea in architettura o ingegneria
  • Conoscenza di specifiche tecniche, pratiche comunali
  • Capacità di gestione gli aspetti tecnico normativi del progetto
  • Capacità di verificare la congruenza delle scelte progettuali con i regolamenti edilizi locali
  • Conoscenza della normativa edilizia italiana, dei sistemi costruttivi, dei processi e della legislazione
  • Conoscenza delle procedure BIM
  • Conoscenza delle piattaforme CDE
  • Proattività e orientamento alla risoluzione dei problemi
  • Capacità di lavorare in team e di collaborare in un ambiente dinamico
  • Flessibilità e adattabilità nelle situazioni quotidiane


  • Revit
  • pacchetti Office, Adobe
  • Familiarità con piattaforme di gestione Direzioni artistiche come Bim360, autodesk construction cloud, Dalux o similari

Other information:

ACPV si impegna a creare un ambiente di lavoro migliore supportando la diversità della forza lavoro. Tutte le candidature per posizioni vacanti saranno ben accette e saranno considerate in base ai meriti, indipendentemente da colore, nazionalità, origine etnica, sesso, genere, orientamento sessuale, stato civile, disabilità, età, religione o credo.

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ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel è un collettivo internazionale che ha l’obiettivo di coltivare il benessere condiviso attraverso soluzioni architettoniche uniche e di alto profilo in tutto il mondo. Fondato nel 2000 da Antonio Citterio e Patricia Viel, lo studio è attualmente valorizzato dalla creatività di oltre 190 professionisti e dalla leadership di 13 soci. Dall’urbanistica agli sviluppi residenziali e ad uso misto, dai campus aziendali agli edifici pubblici e agli hotel, ogni progetto di ACPV ARCHITECTS incarna una nuova visione in cui la natura e le aspirazioni umane più nobili possono trovare una nuova centralità.


Il ruolo comprenderà una serie di attività tra cui:

  • Collabora con il Facilities Manager per gestire le operazioni quotidiane di manutenzione e sicurezza degli edifici
  • Assiste nel coordinamento e nel monitoraggio dei lavori di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria, garantendo che vengano eseguiti tempestivamente e secondo gli standard previsti
  • Contatta e coordina i fornitori esterni (manutenzione, pulizia, sicurezza), supervisionando la qualità e l'efficacia dei servizi offerti
  • Gestisce l'inventario dei materiali e delle attrezzature necessarie per le pulizie e per il buon funzionamento delle strutture
  • Esegue ispezioni regolari delle strutture per identificare e risolvere eventuali problemi di manutenzione, sicurezza o efficienza
  • Riceve e gestisce le segnalazioni di problemi e guasti provenienti dai dipendenti, risolvendo tempestivamente le problematiche relative agli spazi di lavoro
  • Supporta iniziative per migliorare l’efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità ambientale degli edifici
  • Mantiene aggiornati i registri e i report relativi a tutte le attività di manutenzione e gestione delle strutture



  • Esperienza pregressa di almeno 1-2 anni in un ruolo di supporto o assistenza nelle operazioni di facilities management
  • Conoscenza delle operazioni di manutenzione e gestione delle strutture
  • Capacità di identificare e risolvere problemi tecnici di base
  • Ottima capacità di gestione del tempo e di pianificazione
  • Capacità di gestire più attività contemporaneamente
  • Buone abilità comunicative per interagire con il personale interno, i fornitori e i collaboratori
  • Conoscenza delle normative di sicurezza e salute sul lavoro
  • Proattività e orientamento alla risoluzione dei problemi
  • Capacità di lavorare in team e di collaborare in un ambiente dinamico
  • Flessibilità e adattabilità nelle situazioni quotidiane
  • Conoscenza di tecniche di gestione dell'energia e delle pratiche sostenibili


  • Buona conoscenza di software per la gestione delle strutture
  • Conoscenza del pacchetto Microsoft Office

Other information:

ACPV si impegna a creare un ambiente di lavoro migliore supportando la diversità della forza lavoro. Tutte le candidature per posizioni vacanti saranno ben accette e saranno considerate in base ai meriti, indipendentemente da colore, nazionalità, origine etnica, sesso, genere, orientamento sessuale, stato civile, disabilità, età, religione o credo.

apply for this position

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


The role will involve a range of activities including:

  • Defines the guidelines for the presentation
  • Develops, in synergy with the project team, the presentation methods for each project
  • Creates visual elements such as logos, original images, and illustrations to communicate the project
  • Develops specific layout designs and graphic outputs for architecture competitions
  • Applies and manages the studio’s Brand Identity
  • Post-produces images created by the visualization teams
  • Oversees the printing and packaging of presentations
  • Creates physical material boards on rigid supports


  • The suitable candidate will have at least 2 years of experience in a similar role
  • Ability to manage time and priorities
  • Passionate, accurate and detail oriented
  • Good knowledge of the English language
  • Excellent teamwork skills
  • Strong organizational skills


  • Excellent knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite
  • Good knowledge of 3D graphic and motion graphic tools

Other information:

ACPV is committed to create a better working environment supporting workforce diversity. All applications for vacant positions will be welcomed and will be considered on the relative merits, regardless of color, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, religion, or belief.

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ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


The role will involve a range of activities including:

  • 3D modelling and rendering with an eye for lighting, composition to create emotional images that meet the highest industry standards
  • Post-production for still images and animations
  • Attention to detail and ability to work against deadlines and still be motivated to deliver quality


The suitable candidate will have at least 2 years of experience in a similar role at larger creative services organizations and excellent rendering skills, including for interior design, with particular aptitude and care for details. Ability to work in Italy is mandatory.

Your qualifications:

  • Education in Architecture or Design
  • at least 2 years of experience working with 3D CGI
  • ability to work on own initiative and be proactive
  • ability to manage time and priorities
  • passionate, accurate and detail oriented

Software skills

  • Excellent knowledge of C4D + Corona for producing images and animations
  • Excellent knowledge of Photoshop for the post-production of images
  • Knowledge of AE and Premiere for animations will be a plus
apply for this position

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


If you do not find among the open positions the one you are interested in, please send us your application, and we will consider it for future needs



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ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


ACPV is looking for an architect to be included in our BIM department as library developer.

Reporting to a BIM Library Manager, the successful candidate will support the team by:

  • developing and maintaining the internal bim component library
  • helping the BIM management to develop company standards
  • assisting the BIM management with staff training


The ideal candidate will be highly organised, meticulous and result-driven. We want someone who is able to manage deadlines and work accurately.

Knowledge of Autodesk Revit and especially of the family environment is a prerequisite and unavoidable.

You must have basic knowledge of Excel.

English fluency is required.

Dynamo and coding skills are appreciated.

A good knowledge of architecture and interior design will be an advantage.

The role suits a recent graduate and gives the opportunity to grow up in our office

Other information:

ACPV is committed to create a better working environment supporting workforce diversity. All applications for vacant positions will be welcomed and will be considered on the relative merits, regardless of color, race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, religion, or belief.

apply for this position

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


The role will involve a range of activities including:

  • Consider how the space will be used and how people will move through the space
  • Sketch preliminary design plans
  • Specify materials and furnishings, such as, furniture, wall finishes, flooring
  • Research materials , order samples/products
  • Liaise with manufacturer and suppliers
  • Preparation of furniture cutsheet
  • Support with preparation of furniture presentations and prototyping
  • Support the construction supervision and coordinate with contractors


You will join our design team, providing , furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) package, technical drawings and specifications..

You are a good communicator, self-motivated and willing to work in an established international design practice with a solid reputation.

Required: 2-5 years of professional experience in hospitality, retail and office design.

Your personality and qualifications:

  • Architecture or Interior designer essential
  • knowledge of BIM methodology, BIM software (Revit) and collaborative working
  • ability to work in an informal environment
  • ability to work under own initiative and be proactive
  • ability to multitask and perform under pressure
  • positive attitude, flexible, helpful and enthusiastic
  • good knowledge of spoken and written English

Other information:

Software Skills

ACPV works exclusively with BIM software (Revit), the following skills are highly reccomended but not essential:

  • Proficiency in Revit
  • Knowledge of common Graphics software ( Adobe package etc.)
apply for this position

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


The role will involve a range of activities including:

  • To understand the design and the key statements underlying the project
  • To prepare ideas, materials and references, in the initial phases of the project proposal
  • To prepare images and drawings capable of representing the project from the general to the detailed scale
  • To organize work on the basis of the priorities and requirements of the project development
  • To contribute and give support as required by the project team
  • To work with the members of the internal planning team
  • To develop the project through BIM modelling


You are a good communicator, self-motivated and willing to work in an established international design practice with a solid reputation. An architect or civil engineer with 2-5 years’ of experience. You will develop first and foremost through BIM modelling, within the project team. You will be responsible for specific parts of the project.

Your personality and qualifications:

  • architecture or civil engineer degree essential
  • minimum of one-two years’ experience in a similar role
  • knowledge of BIM methodology, BIM software (Revit) and collaborative working
  • ability to work in an informal environment
  • ability to work on own initiative and be proactive
  • ability to multitask and perform under pressure
  • positive attitude, flexible, helpful and enthusiastic
  • good command of spoken and written English

Other information:

ACPV works exclusively with BIM software (Revit), the following skills are mandatory:

  • At least 2 year of professional experience of Revit
apply for this position

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel is an international collective with the aim of nurturing shared well-being through unique, high-profile architectural solutions worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel, the studio is currently enhanced by the creativity of more than 170 professionals and the leadership of 10 partners. From urban planning to residential and mixed-use developments, from corporate campuses to public buildings and hotels, each ACPV ARCHITECTS project embodies a new vision where nature and the noblest human aspirations can find new centrality.


For our Visualization Department, we are seeking a motivated real-time artisti with a background in architectural visualization and a strong interest in real-time development in unreal engine.

You will be joining the Visualization team at an exciting time, when we are researching and developing the latest ground-breaking tools in film making and immersive experiences.

The role will involve a range of activities including:

  • Manage the overall asset production pipeline from architectural concept to finished real-time experience.
  • Import and optimize architectural models for use in Unreal from Revit.
  • Assist creation of photorealistic Real-time environments and assets.
  • Create photorealistic PBR materials within Unreal and additional software packages.
  • Authoring optimized, commented and efficient blueprints.


You should be a good communicator, self-motivated and be willing to work in an established international design practice with a solid reputation. You need to understand modeling, texturing and animation fundamentals. Also you are able to combine geometric materials, effects and UE5 Blueprints. You will be responsible for shading, materials and texturing development, project optimization and troubleshooting.

Your personality and qualifications:

  • at least 2 years of experience as a Technical Artist working in Unreal, in the visualization, VFX, Real-time or similar.
  • ability to work on own initiative and be proactive
  • ability to manage time and priorities
  • passionate, accurate and detail oriented

Software skills

  • Knowledge of Unreal Engine and BIM workflow including Datasmith.
  • Experience in C4D, 3DS Max or equivalent.
  • Knowledge of optimizations using Nanite and LOD on large scale projects.
  • Knowledge of Substance 3D Painter

Other information:

ACPV is committed to create a better working environment supporting workforce diversity. All applications for vacant positions will be welcomed and will be considered on the relative merits, regardless of color, race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, religion, or belief.

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